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Donate a ShelterBed to Chicago Pet Rescue in Chicago, IL

Logo for Chicago Pet Rescue

Chicago Pet Rescue is a 501c(3) non-profit, foster home and volunteer-based rescue, dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned animals. We do not have a central "shelter" as most of our animals are placed in foster homes until forever homes can be found. Our goal is to rescue as many animals as we can safely manage through foster homes. We rescue dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, birds and other small animals.

40 x 25 Vinyl Forest Almond Kennel Bed

Goal Met! 🎉

Almond Kennel Bed

40 x 25 Vinyl Forest



40 x 25 Oatmeal Fleece Blanket

Bed not included.

Goal Met! 🎉

Fleece Blanket

40 x 25 Oatmeal



Vinyl Burgundy Almond Cat Bed

Seeking 6 more. 4 donated.

Almond Cat Bed

Vinyl Burgundy



40 x 25 Vinyl Forest Almond Crate Bed

Crate not included.

Seeking 2 more. 0 donated.

Almond Crate Bed

40 x 25 Vinyl Forest



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