Motley Zoo Animal Rescue is dedicated to improving the lives of animals locally, nationally and internationally; alleviating their suffering and elevating their status in society through the rescue and rehabilitation of animals in need and through the education of their community on responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, advocating the value of all animal life, in hopes to end the neglect and abuse of all animals and to end the devastating pet overpopulation through spay and neuter advocacy.
Motley Zoo Animal Rescue dedicates its work to end pet overpopulation and the resulting euthanization of healthy, adoptable animals due to limited space and funds of our local, national, and international animal welfare organizations as well as working to end abuse and neglect of all animals resulting from lack of information and education of the community, all the while advocating the value of all animal life.
Bed not included.
Seeking 5 more. 1 donated.
35 x 23 Black
Seeking 5 more. 1 donated.
35 x 23 Ballistic Smoke
Seeking 5 more. 1 donated.
40 x 25 Ballistic Smoke
Bed not included.
Seeking 4 more. 2 donated.
40 x 25 Oatmeal