In our function as a South Jersey Regional Animal Shelter, we serve as a refuge for thousands of stray, unwanted, abused, abandoned and sick animals. We provide Lost & found services for the region, and we have ever-expanding adoption, foster and transfer programs. Each year our humane education programs. offered free to schools and community groups, reach thousands, teaching basic pet care, safety and the understanding that all living creatures deserve our respect. Our clinic provides the general public and thousands of animals access to our low-cost spay and neuter services. In addition to sheltering animals, the shelter also acts as a clearinghouse for the thousands of phone calls requesting information on animal related issues and problems. Thanks again for all that you guys do for shelters & shelter pets - your beds have revolutionized the comfort of shelter pets while they await adoption.
Seeking 7 more. 9 donated.
35 x 23 Vinyl Burgundy
Goal Met! 🎉
35 x 23 Vinyl Forest
Goal Met! 🎉
40 x 25 Vinyl Burgundy
Seeking 3 more. 11 donated.
35 x 23 Vinyl Royal
Goal Met! 🎉
Vinyl Smoke