The Middletown Humane Society is a Low/No Kill privately run animal shelter in Middletown N.Y., serving the City of Middletown as well as surrounding communities.
Come in and visit us. You’ll now find people who are happy to guide you through the process of finding just the right pet be it a cat, a dog, a hamster or even a bird. We will also guide adopters through the process of welcoming shelter animals into their homes. Can’t keep your beloved pet? If there is space, we can provide transitional housing and will work hard to find another loving home.
Seeking 1 more. 4 donated.
30 x 20 Vinyl Royal
Seeking 9 more. 1 donated.
35 x 23 Vinyl Royal
Seeking 1 more. 1 donated.
40 x 25 Vinyl Royal
Goal Met! 🎉
50 x 36 Vinyl Smoke
Goal Met! 🎉
44 x 27 Vinyl Smoke